“If you would like to learn more about baptism, would like to be baptized yourself, and/or would like to have your child baptized, please speak with Pastor Brian before or after the worship services. No need to make an appointment. You can also contact the office throughout the week, and Pastor Brian will be happy to speak with you about baptism.”
This pamphlet will also help you learn more about what we believe about Baptism at Grand Blanc UMC:


Becoming a member of Grand Blanc UMC is far more meaningful than most other memberships you might already have. Being a member of GBUMC is not just about belonging here. Everyone belongs here! It’s really more about committing ourselves to our faith and to the support of one another in our community of faith. Additionally, it’s about committing ourselves to the ministry, missions, and outreach of the church.


As someone who is interested in learning more about membership here at GBUMC, please take a moment to look at this pamphlet about our 5 membership expectations. (1) Worship; (2) Learning & Growing; (3) Christian Service; (4) Generosity: Tithes and Gifts; (5) Christian Witness

If you have been visiting with us, are new in town, or are just looking for a way to connect with your faith in a new way (perhaps even for the first time), we’d love to welcome you as a member. So that you have an opportunity to discover more about the church, and ask questions, you are invited to come for our upcoming New Members Class. Family members are also welcome to come! No reservation is necessary! Just come as you are.

Upcoming New Membership Class:
Sunday, December 11, 2022
(Lunch is included)